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Writer's pictureAw Joey

Week 14

I intend to work on the Talents Recognition page, where the users can view all posts posted by themselves and other users. This is done by storing the posts in Firestore, where it can be retrieved with QuerySnapshot and DocumentSnapshot.

Firstly, I created a document and a collection to store the posts. However, I faced an impediment where I was unsure of how to store images in Firestore. Hence, I chose to use SQL, which was something I was more familiar with, to store the images. The images will be retrieved when the hasMedia field of the Post is true.

Secondly, I created the code to retrieve every detail of each post (each document). With reference to Firebase documentation, I was able to complete it with little hassle.

After retrieval, I displayed the post details in the View which was passed from the Controller. However, I was unfamiliar with CSS and had to spend more time researching (mostly using w3school). One of the impediments was the repsonsiveness, where I had to change the image size measurement type, which was previously pixels. I tried out percentage, em, viewport values, and realized that percentage would be easier to control the responsiveness of the images and containers of the page (e.g. 250px to 70%). Hence, with many trial and errors, I managed to make the page responsive and aesthetically pleasing.

My Learning Points:

I have learnt that how to efficiently make the pages responsive, which was something I used to struggle with a lot. I also learnt about a new cloud database, Firestore, which uses collection document to store information.

What I would have done differently:

If I had more time to work on this, I would use Firebase Storage to store the images. However, as we had a lot on our plate, I was not able to fully utilize Firebase due to time constraints on researching of how to retrieve and store the images.

Personal Thoughts:

I feel pleased with myself as I have learnt more about CSS, which is my Achilles' heel.


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